Andersson Digital Design


Downloading The Aircrew Logbook


Please click Download to obtain or
update your copy of The Aircrew Logbook.

Problems downloading? Click here.

Please click Register to register
your copy of The Aircrew Logbook online.

The file name is "". The current version is 98,1,0,0. The file size is 2,422,425 bytes.
The same file is used to upgrade both the shareware version of the program
and versions purchased directly from SOFTrain Limited.

Once you have downloaded The Aircrew Logbook:-

  1. You may need a copy of PKZIP for DOS or PKZIP for Windows to extract
    the distribution files (DOS usage:- "pkunzip aircrw??.zip").
  2. Vista users please read this first.
  3. Whether you are upgrading or installing the program for the first time
    run "SETUP.EXE" (or the program SETUP of type Application)
    and follow the instructions in the InstallShield wizard.
  4. Optionally, virus check the newly installed program files.
  5. Download your free copy of Checklist Checker.

Note: If you need to run The Aircrew Logbook under Windows 95 or NT4 then version 95,1,2,5 is available here.

Version History and Known Issues - Updated 27th October 2002.

If you have any further questions about
The Aircrew Logbook by all means send an e-mail.

mailac.gif (562 bytes)

Copyright © Bob Andersson 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002.

Logbook Home Page Screenshots

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